Exclusive NFT, 1/1s for lovers and DEGEN
Last updated
Exclusive NFT, 1/1s for lovers and DEGEN
Last updated
Unlike our trading cards the collection will be made up of 333 unique onions (1/1) 33 will be created ad hoc 20 for investors with customization, 10 unique ones that will be auctioned off 3 that will be given as gifts through exclusive giveaways to our holders.
The remaining 300 will be published with the random mint option - they will also be unique but randomly generated through different created attributes.
The style - PFP onions will be hand illustrated with unique colors!
UPDATE 21/11
They will be available at mint 313 CHUBBY. Among these will be: - 143 White Onions - 155 Red Onions - 3 Golden Onions - 12 Onions 1/1
The 20 onions for investors will be sent to their respective ERD addresses.
All CHUBBY OnionX will contain 500 $ONX each. The $ONX will be distributed by taking a screenshot of the sold out holders.
Whoever finds the golden CHUBBY will win a bag containing:
- 1.5 $EGLD -
- 10000 $ONX
- 50000 $TMT
- 1 legendary card (created especially for the mint)
All CHUBBY OnionX will be your avatar in the marketplace! Yes, you will not have to do anything special. Our Smart contract will detect your Chubby in the wallet and set it as your default avatar.
Also, each CHUBBY will unlock a special badge in your profile.
All CHUBBY holders will be our OGs and will be able to enter a new home. Mint will be available exclusively on OOXMarketplace on 27 November.
β οΈ Warning β οΈ
Do not sell your CHUBBY. This will be your personal ticket for some services and products we have in the pipeline!
Our CHUBBY OnionX introduces lotteries:
How do they work?
Each CHUBBY in its properties has a TICKET number. Periodically through we will make a draw that we will record and publish in the channel dedicated to the lotteries. The winner drawn will win the prize.
Up for grabs
Our lotteries will be very tasty and variable, we will put up for grabs special cards that we will make especially, prizes in $ONX, prizes in $TMT and yes... also prizes in $EGLD. Our Ooinns will not be missing.
When will the lotteries start?
The lotteries will start when the collection is SOLD OUT.
Where will the lotteries take place?
All our lotteries will take place via the DISCORD server.