Phase 1 - end
Fundamentals and investors (private)
26 April 26 May
As soon as phase zero ends we will mint the onion token announcing all the technical information and we will get to the heart of creating the foundations.
Profile X will exit the private phase within a period of approximately 10-15 days.
During the foundation phase we will begin to allow a selection of users to join our Telegram group. In the foundation phase we will introduce the role of investor, explaining in detail how to become one and the benefits they will have. There will be only 20 investors. No more. Investors can become investors by investing the same amount for everyone. This amount will be used by the project to continue development, reaching subsequent objectives.
The amount raised from the first round of investments will then be added to the amount already added by the team.
All details will be revealed shortly. All those who contribute to the development of the project itself will receive benefits from the project itself.
We estimate that starting from May 26th we will be able to enter the second phase of the project. Read what will happen
Last updated